Tuesday, 19 November 2024



We have thought about posting this for quite a while, but, as this is VERY important, it is time to talk about it. What are the REAL differences between these two closely related ministries?

Aspect Messianic Paleo-Messianic
Start of the Year Typically follows the Jewish calendar, beginning in Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah). Begins in spring (Aviv), following the sighted moon in Yisrael.

Scripture References Incorporates both the Old and New Testaments (Tanakh and B’rit Hadashah). Includes the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha.

Sacred Names Often uses common titles like Lord, God, and Jesus.

Uses YHVH, Yahusha HaMashiach, and Ru’ach HaQodesh, avoiding names of false gods.
Calendar System Uses the Hebrew (Hillel II) calendar with fixed dates.

Observes a sighted moon calendar with numbered months, including Leyatzev for realignment (the thirteenth month - in order to have lambs for Pesach).
Feast Days Celebrates Feasts on Hillel II's pre-set dates. These include some introduced festivals obtained from Babylon. Observes Feasts as commanded in Torah, based on new moons and seasons.

Torah Observance Focuses on key laws, often mixed with cultural traditions. Observes the whole Torah, including Shabbat and the original festivals.
Language Focus Hebrew is encouraged but not always central. Emphasizes ancient Hebrew linguistics and original meanings.
Prayer Practices Prayer times vary, with Amen commonly used.

Observes 3 daily prayers: Shacharit, Mincha, and Maariv, and uses Todah va Yadah instead of Amen.
Dietary Observance Observes kosher dietary laws.

Focuses on Biblical dietary laws, avoiding pagan influences.
Worship Style Uses a mix of modern and traditional songs, often including Hebrew. Prefers ancient forms of praise, avoiding pagan terminology.

Shabbat Observance Recognizes Friday evening to Saturday evening.

Deep focus on the original intent of Shabbat, emphasizing set-apart living. Shabbat starts at sunset Friday evening until sunset Saturday evening.

Paleo-Messianic Jews try and observe the whole Torah as originally intended by YHVH and only add communion as commanded by Yahusha.